zodiac Signs

The Dark Side Of Libra

Even the cutest people in the world have a dark side to their personalities.

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Libra is a free spirit who does not like to be bound, constrained, or led. She is expressive and always takes care of those around her.

It is the 7th zodiac sign in astrology and is associated with relationships and partnerships. Ruled by Venus, this sign values ​​love and beauty. Most Libra do their best to avoid confrontation.

He has interesting personality traits that are both useful and harmful. Libra will struggle to achieve peace in all aspects of her life, from relationships to her career. She is the one who brings peace to her circle of friends because she wants everyone to be calm.

As a result, she is regarded as the most pleasant person around and with whom you can communicate.

However, there is also a dark side to it. There are things you didn’t think she was capable of.

What is the dark side of Libra?

It is superficial

Libra loves the beauty of life. She will be the first to notice the colors of the field she is passing by or the outlines of a drawing. However, this love of beauty becomes an obsession. As a result, she will avoid the things she does not find beautiful, often judging by her appearance.

She is detached

Even though she is known as one of the most sentimental zodiac signs, Libra can be easily detached from emotions.

There are situations in which her behavior is full of love and affection, and situations in which she becomes numb and cold if she does not find it interesting.

It is undecided

In the search for peace and balance, Libra can be very indecisive. She will spend minutes on a perfect decision. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is carried away by the wind, it is very changeable.

She is vengeful

Even though she loves peace, she sometimes gets angry. This will cause her to behave in a vengeful manner. If she feels that someone has wronged her or, worse, her suspicions are true, then she will do everything possible to get revenge.

It can even become manipulative, a trait not very common in her case.

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She likes to be in control.

She wants peaceful solutions to all her problems, but she can be a tyrannical siege. She has no doubt that doing so would not be the right way to end any conflict. It is even known that she can be angry if people do not adhere to her ideas, even to the point of using her charm to manipulate the situation to get where she intended.


Libra is usually the one who does most charity work. She will not hesitate to give someone what she needs, when she needs it, if it is in her power to do so.

However, she can also be self-indulgent. He enjoys the finest things in life and will not hesitate to ignore his charitable side in favor of the latest clothing items or other such momentary desires.

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