zodiac Signs

Top 4 Signs That Don’t Show Their Feelings

I rarely open my heart and even then I don’t say everything I feel or what I want.

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Some of us cry at the cinema, send love messages, kiss our partner tenderly in public and talk openly about everything that makes them happy or sad, while others, reserved, only rarely open their hearts and even then they don’t even say everything I feel or want.

4 zodiac signs that have a hard time showing their feelings


Even if they are usually communicative and even exuberant, without being afraid to tell you what they think, when it comes to what they feel, things are a little more complicated for Aries. They do not lightly admit even to themselves that they are in love or scared or sad. Those who want declarations of love from Aries can wait a long time and well. Aries are very sincere and direct, but romanticism and tenderness simply do not characterize them. Even if I love you to heaven and back, you can count on your fingers how many times in your life they will tell you this face to face. They don’t like to say, they like to show what they feel.

Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love.


Libras are sociable, but they don’t have overflowing confidence in themselves and they don’t talk about their emotions too lightly, so as not to compromise their chance of being accepted and appreciated. They filter their feelings and don’t say what they think before embellishing everything. These natives do not want to hurt anyone and hate to be judged or betrayed, preferring to react calmly and calculatedly, especially if they know for sure that their opinion can lead to conflicts. When they love, things change: Libras are the most romantic, sensitive and empathetic, so they unreservedly tell their partner everything about their desires and feelings.

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Those born under this sign were told that they are cold, superficial, and distant. They want to keep their freedom and fear that the statements and commitments make them vulnerable. It doesn’t mean that they don’t care, but they don’t easily become dependent on someone, nor do they want to face an avalanche of emotions – neither theirs nor others’. In addition, consider that feelings are a very personal, intimate matter, about which you cannot talk openly. They will not come to you with tears in their eyes to tell you personal things, nor will they console you if you ask for their help in matters that do not concern them or embarrass them. If you want to find out what an Aquarius really feels, don’t rush him, let him decide the right moment for important revelations.

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The soul of a Scorpio is an ocean of secrets. It is difficult to gain his trust to the extent that he will reveal to you what he feels, especially if it is about negative feelings, such as hatred, fear or jealousy. It is a cunning, difficult, reserved and, above all, suspicious zodiac sign, which will often give you the impression that it does not care, when in fact it is only waiting for you to understand it and not to insist on revealing it to you what he is not ready to tell you. Precaution urges Scorpio to repress his feelings and to remain silent most of the time, in order not to expose himself to painful betrayals. Scorpios hate losing control, and revelations expose them more than anything…

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