zodiac Signs

Were You Born In March? You Are Lucky!

Each month has its own charm. Just like every season, like every year, like every day. March, however, is not just any month. It is the month of spring, of light, of joy. Your month!

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It starts with Martisorului day, continues with Babele, with Women’s Day, and with Mosii. Many traditions these days, many legends, many celebrations, many gifts, and much joy.

With the sun in Pisces at the beginning and the sun in Aries towards the end, March includes the beginning of astronomical spring (the equinox of March 20) and the change of time on the last Sunday of the month. We have more light, longer days, and better weather! How does the fact that you were born in this month to influence you? In many pleasant ways.

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The special qualities you have if you were born in March

You are an oasis of peace

This is how your loved ones, friends, and family perceive you. You also have your tumultuous moments, but they don’t last long. Upsets come and go without really disturbing your native calm. When the commotion around you overwhelms you, you retreat to your corner, you put an order in your soul and thoughts and you return to being the master you are as everyone knows you. And acquaintances come to you like a priest, with an open heart and with the certainty that you have the right words. You know how to encourage a man on the edge of the precipice like no one else. Those who have a problem and reveal it to you, get rid of half the burden. And don’t forget easily.

Anytime help

You simply don’t feel good if you have everything and don’t share it with others. You are the kind of mother who will do anything for the children and the kind of friend who is able to give the last money from her pocket for a pleasant surprise. You almost don’t know how to say NO.

A little too sensitive

Your generosity and love of people also come with a minus: you suffer more, more intensely and more often than you should. The trait comes with a greater risk of leaving you gripped by a deep sadness when your loved ones disappoint you. You deftly hide your suffering behind an apparently imperturbable balance.

Full of mystery

You don’t like to show off, to stand out, but you don’t need to make any effort in this regard – your very way of drawing attention to yourself in the most pleasant way. For the opposite sex, you will always be captivating, an attractive woman, who must be discovered and conquered. But not very easily approachable. That’s why men hesitate a lot before inviting you to town.

You like changes

It would be the worst if you didn’t like it, only the month of March is the month of change! Just as everything around you turns green and blossoms, that’s how you transform yourself when you face a challenge. While others feel the clock of death when they are taken out of their comfort zone by a small change, you adapt immediately.

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No one is fooling you

You definitely have a sixth sense. You know how to read people from the first moment and you can smell the lies from a post office. Fake people, profiteers, with hidden interests find it hard to find a place in your circle of friends.

In turn, you are a monument of sincerity and fidelity. Your devotion to your loved ones knows no bounds, but you also don’t let betrayal go unnoticed.

Example of energy

You got a generous dose of spring’s vital energy. You always smile, you like to travel, and discover new places, and you also motivate others to get out of the house and enjoy life.

A special depth

A very beautiful trait of yours, but sometimes harmful. Because you feel the need to turn everything around until you reach a conclusion, you often get confused for no reason. You always see beyond the apparent. You look for explanations and apologies to people for their actions.

You have the qualities of a poet

You don’t have to write poems or novels, although you might be good at that too. But you are inclined towards reading, you read books and magazines on the conveyor belt. You love music and feel lost without it. You are attracted to all creative activities, such as painting or pottery. It is really advisable and very beneficial to dedicate yourself to such a hobby, maybe you can turn it into a job!

The number 3 is following you

As March is the third month of the year, you will encounter this number in various contexts. Besides the religious symbolism, the number three represents the cosmos and perfection. Your family is very likely to have three members, and the union between body, mind and soul is better defined as far as you are concerned.

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