Diets And Zodiac Signs

Everything you need to know about the diet suitable for each zodiac sign!
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It seems that everything is written in the stars, from luck in love, money, or business to the way we deal with certain diets and the determination with which we follow them to reach the much-desired results. Here is what the stars have to say about this:
Aries are extremely aware of the way they look and are very concerned about their physical appearance and health, therefore they do not like to be overweight. They start any diet with enthusiasm, but they tend to get bored quickly and abandon it if the results do not appear quickly enough and start, filled with hope and encouragement, another regime. Because of their very impulsive nature, they hate anything that comes with a restriction and it is very difficult for them to stick to a schedule for a long time, so they have to learn what patience is. One way to follow a diet would be to compete with someone else because it is known that their desire to win motivates them enough to give their best.
Type:it is good to emphasize proteins, in favor of carbohydrates, because amino acids from proteins feed the brain, the part of the body that characterizes Aries.
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Taurus are stable earth signs and do not let themselves be attracted by the latest weight loss trends. He always prefers natural methods, although slower. They are well organized and their tenacity will determine them not to give up once they have started a diet, no matter how slowly the results appear. It’s true, they also have a rather lazy metabolism and they don’t even like to do sports, so it’s quite difficult to lose weight. One thing that would be useful to them and would combine the useful with the pleasant would be to grow some of their own vegetables.
Type: it would be good to avoid sweets or foods that are too rich, because the typical Taurus usually has problems with weight, especially in the middle area of the body (prone to getting a belly).
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Geminis have high expectations and are very impatient, so they tend to burn calories quite quickly, but not necessarily lose weight. However, they are extremely optimistic and love changes of any kind, so they have the necessary motivation to change their lifestyle in order to lose weight. They often need a friend to reassure them if the results do not appear as quickly as they imagined and they should stay away from the scale, to avoid a possible neurosis caused by excessive weighing. For the rest, he must give himself enough time to sit down and actually enjoy a balanced meal, rather than eating it standing up, with his eyes on the clock. Another risk would be to talk about the diet much more than to put it into practice.
Type: it is good to avoid fast food and he must take the time to eat in an organized and relaxed way, to calm his nerves.
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Crayfish love to eat and feed others. If they are overweight, it usually takes them years of worry before they decide to take measures in this regard and start a diet. In addition, they tend to eat emotionally, associating food with happy moments from childhood, and food and nutrition are signs of care and love; for this reason, it is not surprising for them to go on a diet. When they do, however, they will hold on to it until the results appear. All they need is a good enough reason to start. They tend to keep certain non-dietary goodies hidden in a drawer.
Type: it is good to avoid unhealthy foods from their childhood; also, they must stop emotional eating in order to control their feelings and avoid digestive disorders.
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For Leos concerned about their weight, the diet is a thorny matter. If there is a diet that promises them quick results, they get excited and manage to lose weight quickly. Unfortunately, however, the results are not long-lasting. That is why it is important to choose a somewhat slower regime, but with reliable long-term results. They need the appreciation and support of those around them, so friends or family should do well to offer positive feedback about how well they look and how much weight they have lost.
Type: it would be ideal to ignore those who take their efforts for granted and criticize their abstinence; another tip would be to replace sauces rich in carbohydrates with lighter marinades.
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Perfectionist Virgos will encounter difficulties, precisely because of their desire to do everything according to the book. Losing weight can be a real trial, despite the positive outlook. Their practical sense makes them choose the most suitable diets, which they give up, due to the fact that they have unrealistic expectations and thus end up losing enthusiasm instead of kilos. An optimal solution for Virgos would be to join a support group, to face possible disappointments much more easily.
Type: it would be ideal to choose organic foods, because Virgos rule the skin, which is prone to allergies, caused, among other things, by food additives and pesticides.
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Extremely self-conscious about their appearance, Libras tend to have a rather slow metabolism and gain weight quite easily, mainly because they love sweets and are not too determined to exercise. They need a lot of motivation (especially internal) to start a diet, which must obviously be balanced and healthy. In addition, he must eat one idea less than usual, in order to lose weight faster. The ideal would be to sign up for a gym membership for more discipline or to try to follow the diet with your best friend, with whom you can share various experiences related to it. No matter what they choose, it must be an option that balances them internally, first of all.
Type: foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, green leaves, yogurt, and fish are the most recommended foods for Libras on a diet, especially since Libras must pay attention to kidney health, and the optimal level of potassium keeps the kidneys healthy.
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Extremely determined and very well organized, if Scorpios were planning to lose weight, then no one and nothing would stand in their way. If their daily responsibilities prevent them from achieving their goals, then Scorpios become very anxious. In addition, they tend to immerse themselves so deeply in the diet program, as they often exaggerate, either by eating too little or exercising too much, these are pitfalls that they must avoid. I don’t tell others that I’m on a diet, but I accept their compliments smiling enigmatically and enjoying their secret.
Type: Scorpios rule the digestive tract and tend to suffer from constipation, so they need a diet rich in fiber.
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Prone to excesses of any kind, Sagittarians can very easily go on a diet while starting a new job, for example, but their weakness lies in the fact that they tend to overstretch themselves and end up, inevitably compromise one of these plans. Sagittarians lose weight quite quickly, as they like to exercise, but the ideal would be to try to limit their commitments while using a specialized weight loss program. Food abstinence can be a real test, as they are gourmets and have to be realistic about what they can get from a diet.
Type: they must choose dietary substitutes for cream, salt, and sugar, because Sagittarians rule the liver, and heavy and fatty foods make them feel uncomfortable.
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Extremely determined and capable, Capricorns are able to go all the way and sacrifice anything to achieve their goals, which also applies to possible diets. They are usually not prone to gain a lot of weight, but when they do, they have no problem getting rid of the extra pounds. They do not accept advice from those around them when following a diet, something that can be detrimental to them, sometimes. For them, a light exercise program and a simple diet are all they need, but the problem is that they are all the more satisfied the more severe the regimen. A suitable addition to the diet would be the practice of disciplines such as Tai Chi or aerobics.
Type: Capricorns rule over the bones of the bones, therefore an optimal intake of calcium is essential for maintaining their health.
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Strange, bland diets or food supplements, Aquarians know best what they want, sometimes customizing them and adapting them to their lifestyle. But once a diet is adopted, they rarely give it up, including it in their long-term lifestyle. Aquarians must learn that moderation is the key and know when to stop. They are optimistic and independent and achieve the desired results, but they are also unpredictable and quite individualistic and do not like too many restrictions.
Tip: Aquarians should replace alcohol with ginger beer, which stimulates the circulatory system governed by them.
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Unpredictable, they say one thing and do another and feel extremely overwhelmed by the limits imposed by a serious diet. They like heavy food and gain weight quite easily, so they would benefit from a varied diet. It is very difficult for them to find the motivation to start this, but their rich imagination comes to their aid and, being able to imagine how they will look at the end of the diet, they get down to business much easier. It is good to practice daily yoga, dance or meditation, which helps them to express their repressed feelings or hidden emotions much more easily.
Tip: Fish should pay attention to hydration, because it can often happen that they eat, when in fact they are thirsty. Another thing you should avoid is the abuse of alcohol or other substances.