zodiac Signs

Don’t Rely On These Star Signs To Remind You After A Date

They’re not really good at fiery statements or they just don’t feel like it anymore.

Whatever your situation, know that if one of these zodiac signs hasn’t called you back after a date, there’s a good reason for it.

Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love.

To each his own way of seducing, to be happy and in love. On the wheel of the zodiac, the qualities and faults of each astrological sign form a harmonious whole in perfect balance. But, if we love to praise the merits of Taurus as a couple – they say he is tender, attentive and he is given the role of “best lover of the zodiac”, it is clear that there are also bad students. King of ghosting, master of passion that falls as quickly as a soufflé by Susan Mayers in “Desperate Housewives”, god of “finally no”: some astrological signs have a gift for ephemeral stories, a love for one-night stands. Attention, there is absolutely no question of judging them, we simply prefer to warn you so that you are not surprised if you ever come across one of these specimens. So here is the list of signs that will never call you back. Not to be confused with that of the most unfaithful signs.


You waited patiently by your phone hoping to get a message from him. Nothing happens, but once on Instagram, you realize that your date has organized a new candlelight dinner… without you? Congratulations, you have just discovered the true personality of Aries. Too busy running around, the first sign of the zodiac lives a mile an hour. 1. He doesn’t have time to waste time. 2. It goes from a rooster to a donkey (it’s up to you to choose your totem animal) in a snap of the fingers. 3. He is so curious that he constantly wants to discover new people and create surprises. The horned beast is like the Fire element: a spark that ignites before extinguishing the next second. Better then avoid falling in love with an Aries at the risk of being quickly disappointed. No, Aries isn’t exactly the reliable type when it comes to long-lasting relationships. He may be passionate and know what he wants, in him the flame of passion is as ardent as it is expressed. Stop looking for excuses. He didn’t forget to send you a message, he just has another crush in mind. And you better do the same with him. “Thank you, next”, as Ariana Grande sings.


You had a crazy evening and a night that you are not ready to forget. Problem: Time passes, but you no longer have any news of your amazing date. Say no more. If your crush is Scorpio, it’s a safe bet that he will never call you back. For what? The dark sign (yes, we love to call it that because its ruling planet is Pluto, or Hades the god of the underworld) is too busy blaming you. The unforgivable fault that you have just made: it was you who did not contact him. In reality, Scorpio has (really) a lot of ego and if he is able to abandon himself completely in a pair of sheets, he hates not having the upper hand in a situation. Result: he patiently waits to see how long you can survive without him. If it lasts more than two minutes, you don’t really like him and therefore you don’t deserve his trust. Do you find it too much? Wait and see how he plots against his worst enemies… Scorpio lives for “always more” and yes, thank you, he lives very well that way!

Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love.


It’s not that he didn’t enjoy the evening you just spent together, it’s just that Aquarius has “lazy”. He who is reputed to love fluttering is too attached to his freedom to succeed in committing himself. He then considers that sending you a message or worse calling you back is a bit like handcuffing himself. And believe us, in “Monopoly”, Aquarius never goes through the prison box. No, he always finds an argument to succeed in proving to you by A + B that the concept of dating and of a couple is a bit like sticking a label on yourself and that in life “we are already subject to the laws enough not to not to have to add a mental burden on top of that”. King of potential ghosting, Aquarius, therefore, prefers to live his life without ties and without accountability. If life causes your paths to cross again, fine, otherwise it’s because fate had decided otherwise.


Far be it from us to do “fish bashing”, even if we love to tease them. Only here, the last sign of the zodiac is a being that can be described as an airhead. Worse still, he loves to victimize himself. So, when you succeed in confronting him by asking him why he didn’t call you back knowing that yesterday he was declaring his love for you, he will answer you, either: “I forgot” or “I am too shy and I didn’t dare”. No matter the situation, Pisces sometimes has trouble accepting his feelings. You will have to wait a long time, almost until your retirement, to hear him deliver what is on his heart. No one can blame you for being tired of waiting but know that he will use this argument to make himself complain about his next conquest. Do you find us mean and difficult? We promise you we love Pisces. What we’re trying to tell you here is that if you’re waiting for a word from him, you’re in trouble. Pisces has a unique way of expressing themselves. He prefers gestures to words, Instagram stories posted for you to simple “Hello, how are you? Once you grasp this nuance and are willing to live with it, we promise that having a Pisces in your life will make you happier.

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”


If she is nicknamed “the beauty of the zodiac”, it is not by chance. Libra _is endowed with all the energy of Venus, the planet of love and harmony. Result: for her, it is quite natural to flirt, charm, and laugh even at pranks that are not funny, as long as it makes others happy. This tendency to be a kind of “people pleaser” sometimes leads her to find herself in funny situations. She understood from the first moment when her date spoke nastily to the waiter asking “everything but not the table next to the toilet”, that it wouldn’t do. Problem: she couldn’t say goodbye to him. Same thing when at the end of the second glass, he told her “I don’t like to speak ill of others, but…”. She also failed to extricate herself from the date when he asked if he could kiss her. His eyes were so bright that she gave him this kiss to encourage him and restore his confidence. The problem with Libra is that they try so hard not to hurt the other that they sometimes realize too late that the other has fallen under their spell and that they have done nothing to stop them. . So inevitably, radio silence is his way of making you understand that in fact, you weren’t made to be together. And she is even surprised to see that you are still trying to reach her. She thought she was clear, but all she managed to do was send you signals to the contrary. “Oops I did it again” she replied to her friends when they asked her how the evening had gone. And by evening, we mean the engagement because yes, she might be able to agree to The problem with Libra is that they try so hard not to hurt the other that they sometimes realize too late that the other has fallen under their spell and that they have done nothing to stop them. So inevitably, radio silence is his way of making you understand that in fact, you weren’t made to be together. And she is even surprised to see that you are still trying to reach her. She thought she was clear, but all she managed to do was send you signals to the contrary. “Oops I did it again” she replied to her friends when they asked her how the evening had gone. And by evening, we mean the engagement because yes, she might be able to agree to The problem with Libra is that they try so hard not to hurt the other that they sometimes realize too late that the other has fallen under their spell and that they have done nothing to stop them. . So inevitably, radio silence is his way of making you understand that in fact, you weren’t made to be together. And she is even surprised to see that you are still trying to reach her. She thought she was clear, but all she managed to do was send you signals to the contrary. “Oops I did it again” she replied to her friends when they asked her how the evening had gone. And by evening, we mean the engagement because yes, she might be able to agree to it’s that she tries so hard not to hurt the other that she sometimes realizes too late that the other has fallen under her spell and that she has done nothing to stop it. So inevitably, radio silence is his way of making you understand that in fact, you weren’t made to be together. And she is even surprised to see that you are still trying to reach her. She thought she was clear, but all she managed to do was send you signals to the contrary. “Oops I did it again” she replied to her friends when they asked her how the evening had gone. And by evening, we mean the engagement because yes, she might be able to agree to it’s that she tries so hard not to hurt the other that she sometimes realizes too late that the other has fallen under her spell and that she has done nothing to stop it. So inevitably, radio silence is his way of making you understand that in fact, you weren’t made to be together. And she is even surprised to see that you are still trying to reach her. She thought she was clear, but all she managed to do was send you signals to the contrary. “Oops I did it again” she replied to her friends when they asked her how the evening had gone. And by evening, we mean the engagement because yes, she might be able to agree to you weren’t meant to be together. And she is even surprised to see that you are still trying to reach her. She thought she was clear, but all she managed to do was send you signals to the contrary. “Oops I did it again” she replied to her friends when they asked her how the evening had gone. And by evening, we mean the engagement because yes, she might be able to agree to you weren’t meant to be together. And she is even surprised to see that you are still trying to reach her. She thought she was clear, but all she managed to do was send you signals to the contrary. “Oops I did it again” she replied to her friends when they asked her how the evening had gone. And by evening, we mean the engagement because yes, she might be able to agree to get married while still hoping that Jules from the 6th grade realizes what he has lost.

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