zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs With The Best Sense Of Humor

Everyone loves a good laugh and some zodiacs are simply funnier than others. If you need more humor in your life, these zodiac signs are great to have around. They each have a unique sense of humor that can leave you feeling joyful.


Geminis are known for their quick wit and clever banter. They often know how to spin a situation into a comical one and enjoy finding the humorous nuances in life that others might miss. The surprising things they say make Geminis one of the funniest zodiacs.


Sagittarius is always up for a good time (and that includes a good laugh). This positive-thinking zodiac tends to find humor in most situations. They like to keep things light and fresh by cracking jokes at anyone or anything. If you have a Sagittarius in your life, chances are they will keep you on your toes.


Bold and playful Aries loves to get people laughing. They might partake in some ridiculous stunts to get others to crack up. They also usually have a few solid jokes in the rotation to help ease their way up the social ladder. You’ll likely have a fun time if you have an Aries in your life.


A surprising one on this list, Cancers are typically emotional zodiacs; however, they boast a blunt and self-deprecating brand of humor. This sign is very observant and in tune with the world around them. They are especially adept at dark humor and might say some offbeat things for a laugh.

4 Zodiacs With The Best Sense Of Humor

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