4 Zodiacs Who Attract Drama

Some zodiacs always seem to be involved in drama. This doesn’t mean they’re the ones causing the drama or that they even enjoy the drama. Some way, somehow, they always seem to be dragged into the middle of it. Here are the zodiacs who accidentally attract drama and rarely get any peace and quiet, whether it’s in their personal lives, their family lives, or their work lives:
Maybe it’s because Scorpios aren’t going to settle for anything less than they deserve, but they always find themselves in the center of drama. Someone else always has a problem that ends up causing them way more stress than they’re interested in dealing with. Although they would rather cut out the people who are bothering them so they don’t have to deal with any drama at all, this isn’t always possible. Sometimes, they’re stuck with these people in their office or at parties or at holidays, and there’s no escape. Although this sign just wants to be left alone ninety-nine percent of the time, somehow they always end up involved in some sort of drama. And they’re tired of it. It’s why they can’t stand most people. They would rather be alone.
Pisces are in touch with their emotions, and they are always willing to listen to other people who are struggling with their emotions — which is probably why they end up involved in so much drama. Although this sign believes in peace and love, other people feel comfortable coming to a Pisces with their problems. This means they always end up involved in drama, even when they weren’t originally a part of it. They get dragged into arguments and misunderstandings all the time, simply because they are willing to listen to both sides of the story. Because they are willing to sit there while others rant and get their feelings off their chests. This sign is only trying to help, but sometimes it ends up backfiring on them.
Geminis are social butterflies, and the more you socialize, the higher your chances are of getting dragged into drama. Geminis usually aren’t in the center of the mess, but they’re always sitting on the sidelines. They’re hearing all the gossip before anyone else does because everyone trusts them. Everyone assumes that a Gemini is on their side. Although this sign is usually surprisingly quiet about their own problems, other people are always excited to rant about their problems. This is why Geminis end up knowing so much about everyone’s love life and family life. They never even have to ask. The info just comes to them.
Cancers want to know exactly what is going on in everyone’s life at all times. After all, they can’t help if they don’t know what the issue is. This sign wants to give out advice and favors whenever they have the opportunity. However, their kindness can easily backfire. They commonly end up getting dragged into drama that originally had nothing to do with them because they wanted to solve a problem that wasn’t theirs to solve. Although it’s best for them to let their loved ones fight their own battles, this is hard for a Cancer. They are so protective of their partners and parents and children. They want to do whatever they can to help.