zodiac Signs

The Encouraging Words Each Zodiac Needs In November 2023

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You’re allowed to be the exception. You’re allowed to want a life that looks different than the rest of your friends and family. You’re allowed to chase after your dreams instead of chasing after what you were taught you were supposed to want.

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You’re allowed to take up space. You’re allowed to speak your mind. You’re allowed to disagree with the people around you and state your opinion. Your thoughts matter, too.

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You’re allowed to admit when you’re feeling uncomfortable. You’re allowed to be honest instead of polite. You’re allowed to make your own comfort a priority for a change.

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You’re allowed to take time for yourself. You’re allowed to ask for some space. You’re allowed to enjoy your own company, to relax and recharge without anyone around to interrupt you.

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You’re allowed to feel frustrated and angry and annoyed. You’re allowed to have negative feelings and speak those feelings into the universe. You’re allowed to be honest instead of pretending you’re fine all the time.

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You’re allowed to demand more. You’re allowed to keep your standards and expectations high. You’re allowed to say that you won’t settle for less than what you’ve spent your whole life dreaming about – and that’s not greedy of you.

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You’re allowed to start from scratch. You’re allowed to say goodbye to the people and places you thought were meant for you. You’re allowed to forge a fresh path for yourself, no matter your age.

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You’re allowed to sweat the small stuff. You’re allowed to care deeply about the things that mean the most to you. You’re allowed to worry – and you shouldn’t let anyone make you feel like you are being overemotional or dramatic about how you feel.

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You’re allowed to refuse apologies. You’re allowed to move forward without this person in your world. You’re allowed to put your foot down and decide that enough is enough.

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You’re allowed to be pampered. You’re allowed to sit back and let others to take care of you for a change. You’re allowed to give up control for a little while and let someone you trust take the lead.

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You’re allowed to change your mind. You’re allowed to reevaluate what you want from this world. You’re allowed to decide the future you thought you wanted isn’t what would make you happy anymore.

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You’re allowed to cry. You’re allowed to wear your heart on your sleeve for everyone to see. You’re allowed to embrace your vulnerability instead of hiding it away

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The Encouraging Words Each Zodiac Needs In Novemebr 2023

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