zodiac Signs

3 Zodiacs Who Will Have A Spiritual Growth Spurt In April 2025

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We have entered April with a sense of calm, thanks to the Venus in Pisces. Some people might even have an “I let go and put my trust in the Universe” attitude. During the first few weeks of the month, we will be in Aquarius season, and then towards the end, entering Pisces season. Aquarians are deep, independent, and unique, while Pisceans are intuitive, empathetic, and spiritual.

There are a handful of astrological events happening this month that will affect more zodiacs than others. With that being said, these are the 3 zodiac signs who will have a spiritual growth spurt in April —

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This will be a month of abundance, positive growth, and transformation for Taureans. With the Full Moon on the 5th, they will be feeling a lot more confident, showing gratitude for all the good in their life, and meditating on all they want to attract. And they’ve got their eye on something (or someone) specific, too! With the Sun conjunct with Saturn on the 16th, Taureans will find they are more disciplined to go after the things they want. They’re not caring what people think anymore. It might be an emotional time for them when the New Moon enters Pisces on the 19th, simply because it’s all about new beginnings (which is typically a time of reflecting), but it’s nothing they can’t handle. Overall, Taureans will find that this month will be deeply transformative for them.

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Capricorns are practical, so spiritual practices aren’t really their thing. However, the energy this month is powerful enough for them to tap into this energy. They’re feeling secure, confident, and content. With the Full Moon in Leo, Capricorns should do some self-care and self-expression, like taking a bath and journaling on what they want to manifest. With Mercury conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn on the 10th and Sun conjunct with Saturn on the 16th, Capricorns will find they are more focused on their goals and doing some deeper thinking. With Aquarius season, Capricorns will feel challenged to discipline themselves. Overall, the spiritual and transformational energy this month is super powerful for this sign.

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Thanks to the overall vibe of Aquarius season, Pisceans are entering April  confident and ready for change. With the Full Moon in Leo (the 5th) and New Moon in Pisces (the 19th), they’re letting go of what’s not working to make room for better things, like what and who they want in their life. With Mercury conjunct Pluto on the 10th, there will be a lot of deep thinking, discovery, and communication. Pisceans might find that they’re standing up for themselves and expressing love for themselves for once. With the New Moon in Pisces on the 19th, they’ve got a heightened awareness for doing the inner work for healing. Overall, Pisceans will feel this month will be incredibly transformative and powerful.

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