The Soulmate That Is Waiting For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

GEMINI (5/21 – 6/20)
Gemini, there is a soulmate waiting for you who sees and accepts you for all that you are, every contradictory, every complimentary quality. Every freckle every stray hair that never quite stays in place. They will study you, like a map of a foreign land they want to call home, or a painting that is begging to be analyzed in written words. They see you owe no one an explanation, but are dying to be able to explain your every idiosyncrasy, every preference, down to the 8th-grade sleepover that ruined horror movies for you forever.
CANCER (6/21 – 7/22)
There is a soulmate waiting for you, Cancer, who has the patience to let you warm up to them gradually, like a lasagna that’s been sitting in the freezer and just needs to defrost before it can come back to life as a homemade meal made with love. They’re never going to rush you, and always take life at your pace, always be ready and waiting, like someone sitting with their shoes tied and their keys and wallet in hand wanting to go on an adventure with you. They’ve done their homework. For once, they won’t need anything from you, but you.
LEO (7/23 – 8/22)
Leo, your soulmate is just waiting for you to finish texting all of the unanswered texts in your phone before they can have your attention. They know there is a world out there they have to share you with, and they’re surprisingly okay with it. As long as they get to be the person you come home to, the person you tell all your problems and all your gossip to, the person who gets to see what you look like when you take your makeup up at night, or when you open your eyes in the morning, they are willing to wait their turn for your love.
VIRGO (8/23 – 9/22)
You have a soulmate waiting for you, Virgo, who has thick skin. Who can hear that first knee-jerk reaction come out of your mouth and see the raw emotion that’s behind it? Who can recognize what you mean and what you don’t mean without a dictionary or a translator? Someone who can just do things your way (the right way) on the first try. Someone who will humor you to make you feel safe secure and comfortable, even if it’s something as simple as fluffing the pillows on the couch. Because if it matters to you, it matters to them.
LIBRA (9/23 – 10/22)
The soulmate that is waiting for you is an enigma, Libra. They can be quiet, and they can be loud. They know how to spend money, and how to save it. How to live on the edge, and how to sit completely still at home and feel entirely content. They will seem like a mixture of entirely incompatible qualities in a single person, but you will love them all the more because of it. They will teach you that for all your endeavors to be right, to be balanced, to have it together, it’s much more important just to be yourself.
SCORPIO (10/23 – 11/21)
Your soulmate is waiting to blow your mind Scorpio. To send a current running through your entire body without even laying a finger on you. To keep you on your toes, and challenge you for once in your entire life to keep up with them instead of the other way around. They will create inside jokes and games for you to play that push your creativity to its full potential. They will demonstrate, in every way imaginable that you are worth the effort, the time, the thought, the planning. They will offer you unquestionable loyalty, lasting love, and complete peace of mind that only comes with real trust.
SAGITTARIUS (11/22 – 12/21)
The soulmate waiting for you, Sagittarius, isn’t afraid to tell you when you’re wrong. They are going to pick you apart in the way only someone who truly loves something can. Because they will know all of your habits and your ways. What’s wrong with your grammar, your breath, and your finances? But also everything about you that is entirely right, and it’s none of the things you typically pride yourself on. They don’t love the adventurer in you, or the class clown, or the life of the party. They love the quiet version of you that comes out once everyone has left and you think no one is looking.
CAPRICORN (12/22 – 1/19)
Capricorn, there’s a soulmate waiting for you who is going to have a hot meal waiting for you at the end of a long day or take you to a celebratory dinner after you finish a daunting project. Someone who will soothe and care for you in your suffering. Someone who is going to cheer you on and truly believes in you. Someone you will strive every day to make proud because you find gratitude in the purity of their love. They do what they can to make your life easier, without asking for anything in return, and because of that, you want to give them the world.
AQUARIUS (1/20 – 2/18)
The soulmate waiting for you, Aquarius, embodies your ethics, encourages your critical thinking, and mirrors your ability to act when others feel hopeless or freeze. They are someone who wants to share in your work and your play. Someone who isn’t afraid to peer into the tragedies of life, but also never forgets its joys. Someone who can contain within themselves, their mind, their heart, all of the nuance and shades that make up a life. Someone who will be able to weather a storm alongside you, and celebrate that first ray of sun that sneaks through the clouds once it’s done.
PISCES (2/19 – 3/20)
Pisces, the soulmate waiting for you is someone who can see the world, not as it is, but as it could be. Someone who can visualize the completed project from just a framework, the dinosaur from the bones. They know how to entertain themselves, and also how to share their passions with you and engage in yours. They’re someone who always makes you close to them, even if you’re just sitting in the same room together. They allow you the space you need to live inside your head but always know the right time to knock and ask to visit you there.
ARIES (3/21 – 4/19)
Waiting for you is a soulmate with gumption, Aries. Someone with a strong personality, who isn’t afraid to be themselves. Someone who can hold their own in your presence without being intimidated or overwhelmed. They know how to share their time and attention with you and expect the same in return. You both have a lot of obligations to juggle, but together you nail prioritizing as a team. As the ultimate power couple, you are achieving your dreams side by side, hand in hand, never leaving the other without a cheerleader or a safety net.
TAURUS (4/20 – 5/20)
The soulmate waiting for you, Taurus, knows your worth. Understands the understated wealth contained within your personality, and your way of life. They study the way you’re built, the attention to detail, and the craftsmanship of who you’ve become, the brand you’ve built over years of trial and error. They are someone who is going to take care of you and cherish you like the one-of-a-kind human you are, and they will value you all the more as the relationship breaks in over time like a leather bag that softens and builds character with every knick and scrape. Although you are no possession, there is nothing more prized in their eyes