zodiac Signs

Your Most Memorable Quality, Based On Your Zodiac

TAURUS (4/20 – 5/20)

Your taste. People can’t stop asking who you’re wearing or checking the tags on your throw pillows when no one is looking. No matter how much online shopping they do, they just can’t seem to curate the same looks you do naturally.

GEMINI (5/21 – 6/20)

Your type A nature. People know that when they make plans with you there is going to be an agenda. A time and a place to meet, an agreed upon wardrobe. No detail will be left to chance or out of your control.

CANCER (6/21 – 7/22)

Your adventurous eating. The way you go with the flow makes you everyone’s favorite dinner companion. They can pick any restaurant, any cuisine, any spice level, and you’ll always be down for family style, and not to forget, dessert.

LEO (7/23 – 8/22)

Your hosting skills. Whether you’re being a birthday prince or princess, or celebrating someone else’s special day, you never spare any expense. Going to one of your parties is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion that no one ever forgets.

VIRGO (8/23 – 9/22)

Your criticism. Some people still live with the personal shame and embarrassment of having you strip their egos bare right before their eyes. The reason they can’t shake the memory is because of how right they know you are.

LIBRA (9/23 – 10/22)

Your forgiveness. You can be so understanding when people come to you with an apology that you’re never known for holding a grudge. You know everyone has a bad day sometimes and can see their motivating factors from a compassionate angle.

SCORPIO (10/23 – 11/21)

Being a good kisser. You’ve knocked the socks off of so many people there’s a barefoot epidemic at this point. First kisses, last kisses, and many in between, it doesn’t matter. You take first place in everyone’s memory.

SAGITTARIUS (11/22 – 12/21)

Being able to find something cool anywhere. You don’t need to be in a Parisian cafe or a Scottish castle to have fun, Sag. You could find a diner in the desert or a bookstore in any little town worth exploring. You never over-plan because it ruins the element of surprise.

CAPRICORN (12/22 – 1/19)

Dedication. You never give up on anything once you’ve started. No matter how hard it is, no matter how frivolous. If you promised to bake five dozen scones for the bake sale, you’re going to get it done, even if your whole kitchen is covered in flour by the end of it.

AQUARIUS (1/20 – 2/18)

You’re a good listener. And despite what people think, it’s not about sitting there quietly. You are an active listener. You show reactions with your facial expressions that make people feel understood and ask well-timed questions. It makes people feel at ease.

PISCES (2/19 – 3/20)

The way you stare off into space. You never look bored, even when you’re not paying attention to something or someone, you always look occupied. People envy that ability and wish they knew what was taking place inside your head.

ARIES (3/21 – 4/19)

Your energy. You never seem tired, never sore, never spent. You always have time for one more drink, one more store, one more mile to walk. The way you make the most of each day and never waste a beautiful day is enviable

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