3 Zodiacs Who Will Meet A Karmic Soulmate In October

In spiritual philosophies, a karmic or false “soulmate” is not a soulmate we are meant to end up with but rather one who catapults us into healing brings up our core wounds and compels us to set healthy boundaries, often because their toxic or narcissistic traits pushes us to look more deeply within ourselves and challenges us to choose ourselves over toxic relationships. Here are three zodiacs who are likely to deal with a false soulmate who is narcissistic this coming autumn.
As the sign of transformation and power, there’s no doubt you are continually going through cycles of death and rebirth. You are constantly purging, healing, and channeling your traumas. The season of autumn is all about shedding what doesn’t serve you so you can step into your full power. In the journey of finding a true soulmate, you may run into narcissistic partners who challenge you to choose yourself first and foremost and look more closely at your deepest core wounds that may be keeping you entrenched in trauma bonds with toxic people. As you start to heal old scars and confront your pain, don’t be surprised how this false soulmate starts to fade away into the distance. You may find that this romance was never about a long-lasting love, but rather about forging a deeper commitment to yourself in learning what you won’t stand for. This season is the time to pause, reassess your relationships, and discern which ones are healthy for you and which are toxic and require you to detach and set healthier boundaries.
This autumn you may run into a connection that will remind you to take better care of yourself, Capricorn, and challenge you to grow into a more solid sense of self-worth. Lately, you’ve been giving into your compulsion to be cold-hearted toward love and isolate yourself from the world, but this connection may spark an interest in you to seek out the warmth of connections once more. However, be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing who convince you to self-sacrifice in the name of love. The soulmate connection you seek will not leave you feeling empty, confused, walking on eggshells, or disoriented. If you’re not feeling a sense of genuine safety with this person, it may be time to reevaluate. You may be dealing with a false soulmate who is challenging you to choose yourself amid chaos. You get to decide: do you want the comfort of old and destructive patterns and unhealthy relationships, or do you want to experience what it is like to finally prioritize yourself?
As the sign of twin-like duality, you may be eager to find your true soulmate, the other half of your being, but one of life’s greatest lessons is that if you rush to get what you want, the choice you settle for may be well below what you deserve and are worthy of. This autumn, you may learn that the path to wholeness may not be found in another but found within yourself first and foremost. You may encounter a false soulmate who seems too good to be true – that’s because they likely are. If they seem too charming at the onset, stay on your guard, Gemini. You of all people should know how charm disarms the senses and sweeps you off your feet too soon. Watch out for love-bombing and don’t gaslight yourself into believing you have to settle for less just in the hope of more. If they turn out to be toxic, listen to your gut and heed the warning. You deserve the very best, and foregoing this connection if it consists of red flags or manipulation may compel you to raise your standards higher than you ever have before on the search for love