Love Is Knocking At The Door Of These 4 Zodiacs In October

Taurus is unprepared for what lies in store for them romantically this month, but there’s nothing more lovable than watching them blunder to improvise. Being caught off guard lowers their defenses, and their ability to curate and manicure their interactions, and instead, they are left with nothing more than their genuine reactions in the moment. Lucky for them, that’s where the real magic happens with this stranger. A chance encounter at a bar, a coffee shop, or the library will impact their future in a way they can’t even comprehend at the time. This person will be their best friend and confidant, the person who makes life beautiful, even on the days when everything that could go wrong does. Taurus knows a good thing when they see it, even if it was what they were least expecting.
Virgo may have put up a ‘no soliciting’ sign at the door to their heart, but this month, someone either isn’t paying attention or is just ballsy enough to ignore the warning, maybe a little bit of both, which is exactly what Virgo needs most in a partner. Someone who can care or not care about things that would send Virgo spiraling. Someone who can add a little zen to their life. Someone who puts in the effort where it matters and is willing to go with the flow when it serves the relationship. The most important part about this person is that they allow Virgo to be themselves and never ask them to change. A counterpoint that rounds out the relationship by contrasting and complimenting at the same time.
Gemini has been feeling admittedly lonely this summer, but October has just the cure in store for them. Someone who has been trying just as hard as they have to meet their match, a life partner who shares their zest for life and everything it has to offer. They are both well-traveled and beloved by their circle of friends. Both are self-actualized adults who have spent time getting to know themselves as well as others, and ultimately have a concrete idea of what they are looking for in love. On paper, it seems they both have everything anyone could want out of life, but the one thing they desperately want is someone to share it with. Someone to meet at happy hour or order takeout with. A hand that’s theirs to hold.
Aquarius has been focusing so much on all of their responsibilities that they haven’t made any time for themselves, and haven’t been making an effort to date. Contrary to their belief that nothing will come to them unless they work for it, love comes knocking unannounced and uninvited this month. But unlike any other guest, this person is here to wait on Aquarius, instead of demanding they play the host or hostess. This is a person who will go straight to the fridge and whip up a snack without being prompted. Someone who will fetch Aquarius a blanket when they’re cold and refill their water bottle. Someone who will let them lay back and get off of their feet for once. And for once, Aquarius will allow themselves to be babied instead of playing the parent.