zodiac Signs

These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Month This October

October is here, bringing some extra positive energy to a few zodiac signs!

Libra season started last month and will be the main focus throughout October, pushing us to be more social and balanced in how we approach our lives. Things won’t stay calm for long, though, as the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra appears on October 2nd. This eclipse gives us a fresh start, even though it will still be chaotic. However, sometimes, we need something to shake things up so we can step into what’s genuinely meant for us!

Additionally, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9th—don’t worry; this retrograde is more about taking stock of what’s happening than trying to trip you up. Pluto in Capricorn will also move out of its retrograde this month, easing the burden on a few zodiac signs in the process. Finally, the Sun enters Scorpio at the end of the month on October 22nd, ushering in more intense, fixed energy that will push us to stand our ground while not being afraid to go beneath the surface.

While all the zodiac signs will feel the effects of this month, a few zodiac signs may notice positive changes occurring in specific areas of their lives. Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see which signs will have the best month this October!


Your season is in full swing, Libra! The Sun will spend most of this month in your sign, so don’t be afraid to embrace your more confident side and put yourself out there. You get the chance to start fresh at the very beginning of this month with the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2nd. This eclipse marks the last of its kind in your sign for another 18 years, and its impact is having you reflect on the choices you’ve made and the changes you’ve undergone over the last few years. Be proud of the work you’ve put into yourself as you focus on where you want to take your next steps for the future—a direction likely feels clearer now than it has previously!

Additionally, you have multiple planets—Mercury, Venus, and later the Sun—all working their way through your 2nd House of Income and Values. You may notice more opportunities to make money and feel more confident in yourself and what matters to you most. A Full Moon in Aries will light up your 7th House of Partnerships, sparking some intense passion, but it could also lead to some arguments if you aren’t mindful of what you say. Try channeling the energy into strengthing your connections and learning what you need to have a balanced partnership.


Your season may not kick off until later this month, but these few weeks still have plenty of good things in store for you, Scorpio! Libra season focuses on your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, so you may feel more reserved rather than the life of the party. When the Solar Eclipse occurs in this house, it’s time to face some issues you’ve been burying for a long time, but doing so now works in your favor so you can finally gather the strength to move beyond them. You will feel as though you have a spiritual “clean slate” of sorts, allowing you to see things more clearly than you have previously.

In the meantime, Venus has already started its journey in your 1st House of Self and Identity and will be joined by Mercury on the 13th and the Sun on the 22nd. With these planets in your sign, your confidence will be on the rise, and you may find it easier to speak your mind and connect with others as the month continues. With the eclipse season still in mind, you may desire to reform or change how you show yourself to the world or be more intentional about the person you strive to be.


The spotlight is on, Capricorn! Libra season focuses on your 10th House of Career and Public Image, making it an ideal time to get your thoughts together and take action regarding your work and public life. The Solar Eclipse may bring you some good news, as it marks a fresh start and could indicate new work opportunities that align more closely with where you want to be in life. Remember that you know your value, though, and the intensity of eclipse energy could lead you to wear yourself down too quickly if you don’t manage your time. Relationships with others and being clear in your communication can be a tremendous asset this month, so don’t be afraid to take life by the reigns and go for it!

Another exciting element for you this month—Pluto’s brief retrograde in your sign comes to an end on October 11th when Pluto goes direct. Pluto will move back into Aquarius next month, marking the end of the transformative planet in your sign. This marks a great period to reflect on how your life and your views of yourself have transformed over the last few decades and how you can take those lessons and apply them moving forward. While you don’t need to let your ego get away from you, it’s not a crime to be proud of how far you’ve come, so why not use this month to celebrate those accomplishments?


Happy Libra season, Gemini! These next few weeks focus mainly on your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, and things start with a bang as the Solar Eclipse occurs in this house on October 2nd. It’s a good time to focus on new ways to bring joy and excitement into your life, especially if you’ve been neglecting these sides of yourself while trying to work and keep things in order. What makes you feel alive, and how can you bring more of that into your life? You may experience something (or someone) brand new that lights you up during this time, though keep in mind that eclipse energy can be chaotic, so keep a good head on your shoulders while you’re navigating new terrain.

Then, Jupiter in Gemini will start its retrograde period on October 9th—and while that may not sound so fun, it’s giving you the chance to take stock of what has happened so far since Jupiter entered your sign back in May. What is working for you and what isn’t in terms of who you are and how you present yourself? You may begin to recognize some negative habits or connections that keep you from being your authentic self, or you may find you’ve been holding yourself back in ways you didn’t expect. Now, you have the opportunity to start making changes that will benefit you down the road—take advantage of it!

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