zodiac Signs

What Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces Can Expect This April, According To A Tarot Reader

The Water Signs of the Zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are empathetic and emotionally in tune with those around them.

Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:

— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)

— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)

— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)

— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)

— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)

— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)


The Past

5 of Wands (Reversed)

What seemed to be a friendly rivalry escalated into actual competition. From there it turned into infighting – and then strife. It was emotionally difficult to be around so much conflict. The experience puts you on your guard.

The Present

5 of Pentacles

You’re feeling isolated, and alienated, and have come upon a difficult time from a material perspective. While you have a lot of anxiety about everything, help is nearby if you seek it out.

Your Challenge

The World

You’re stuck, and for you to be able to move on and move forward you feel you need closure. The problem is, that not everything in life has that. Don’t get hung up in the trappings of completion – focus on what you’re looking to get out of the experience.

Your Thoughts

Page of Cups

You’re trying to keep your thoughts focused on your emotional wellness. You’re dreamy – and a bit hopeful – which will help you to adjust course into a more stable situation.

Your Subconscious

The Hermit

You’re trying to use your feelings of isolation and detachment to your advantage, and subconsciously you’re taking a philosophical stance on everything happening. Instead of fixing blame or expecting rescue from outside of yourself – you know the answers are within.

The Future

Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)

Because of a lot of the financial and material stress you’re feeling in the present (Five of Pentacles), your work-life balance might suffer in the future. It might turn into possessiveness and deep feelings of insecurity.


The Lovers

The choices that we make about who we bring into our life, and extend love to, reflect who we are and impact who we can become. Choose wisely.

Putting it All Together:

What felt like friendly competition ended up devolving into something far more difficult, and it’s left you feeling extremely isolated. Choose carefully how you move forward. If you overcorrect on some of the feelings you’re experiencing, instead of giving you security it could end up making you feel insecure.


The Past

Ace of Cups

You’ve recently experienced a lot of new feelings, and a lot of movement within your relationships. This was partially due to the fact you were approaching life with an open heart and followed your intuition on how to best connect with people.

The Present

The High Priestess

You’re still extremely rooted in your intuition but instead of experiencing it and focusing it externally, you’ve turned your third eye inward. This has taken a personal investment in solitude in addition to spending time nurturing your receptivity.

Your Challenge

2 of Wands

You’re trying to decide what you should focus on next but you’re unsure, and part of that is related to your self-doubt. The indecision is preventing you from making appropriate and necessary plans.

Your Thoughts

Ace of Swords (Reversed)

You can’t stop looking at things from every angle and trying to figure out every possible consequence before you make your decision to move forward. This has put you into a state of analysis paralysis – and instead of moving closer to making a decision, you just keep thinking of more possibilities.

Your Subconscious

6 of Swords (Reversed)

While you’re feeling trapped by your inability to decide where to move, make sure that you aren’t resisting necessary change or getting in your way.

The Future

The Lovers

Select those who are close to you carefully. Communication with others will be important, and there is a lot of potential for continuing the successful connections that were first experienced in the Ace of Cups.


6 of Cups

Where you have been has informed and influenced who you are, and sometimes re-experiencing things from our past can remind us what we most treasure.

Putting it All Together:

You’ve been feeling a lot of new things for people, and it’s taking you some time to process what that means in the long term. You’re finding yourself in a position where you don’t feel like you can make a choice, and are experiencing a lot of ‘analysis paralysis.’ Think back to other times you’ve faced similar dilemmas and how you dealt with them.


The Past

6 of Cups

You were recently feeling nostalgic and might have been revisiting your past in the hopes of reconnecting with who you’d like to become. Sometimes the most potent inspiration about who we should become comes from reconnecting with our inner child.

The Present

2 of Wands

You’re making plans to move some big projects forward. There are lots of details to finalize, decisions to be made, and pieces to be tracked.

Your Challenge

Knight of Swords

You’re feeling bursts of energy that normally you’d want to capitalize on. You’re fighting the near-irresistible urge to burst boldly forth and complete everything possible as quickly as possible, but that’s not the approach needed right now.

Your Thoughts

2 of Pentacles (Reversed)

There are lots of moving pieces to the puzzle, and the changes, shifting priorities, and multitasking you have to do is overwhelming. You’re committing to too many things, and are having a harder time keeping track of it all than you’d like.

Your Subconscious

The Moon

ThA lot is churningn your subconscious, which makes dealing with your mental and emotional health even more important.

The Future

Page of Cups

Your ability to connect with your emotional side will help you creatively as well as intuitively. You may notice signs and messages – especially within your dreams.


9 of Cups (Reversed)

While you certainly have a lot of life’s pleasures available to you, you may find yourself experiencing more pleasure in simple things rather than in overindulgence. It’s an opportune moment to ask yourself the larger questions about who you are and what you want out of life.

Putting it All Together:

There are three Cups cards in this reading, which indicates there’s a lot of emotional energy around you as you try to move into being more in tune and expressive of your emotions. Subconsciouslya lot is weighingg on you, so it’s a great time to focus on your emotional and mental health. You’ve been feeling a lot of nostalgia fodon’t get so hung up you can’t work through planning out what your next steps should be.

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