zodiac Signs

The New Moon Intention You Should Set For A Happy 2025, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: Death, reversed

New Moon Intention: Embrace change with courage.

What changes are you resisting, Aries? Take a look at what you’ve been avoiding, ignoring, denying, hiding from, clinging to, and running from. The only way for you to embrace new opportunities in 2025 is by releasing the old. Let go of patterns, behaviors, dynamics, and relationships that no longer serve you. Face and accept the realities you’ve been escaping. Leave behind situations that might feel comfortable and familiar, but fail to provide you with an authentic sense of fulfillment. Embrace the shifts that might feel terrifying, but deep down you know are necessary for your personal growth. Step outside your comfort zone and into the unknown. Shedding your old skin will turn the page onto a new chapter.


Your Card: The Empress, reversed

New Moon Intention: Make self-love and self-care a priority.

When The Empress appears in reverse, she encourages you to inspect what you’ve been neglecting within yourself. Shower whatever part of you needs it most with love and care. Let self-love be the strong armor that surrounds you, protects you, and shields you. For a happier 2025, your focus should be reconnecting with the innermost parts of you. Look within you for your source of abundance, love, and creativity. This card also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing your own emotional needs and desires before tending to those of others—do a better job of it in the new year.


Your Card: King of Pentacles

New Moon Intention: Generate abundance, stability, and security through hard work and dedication.

Before 2024 ends, put serious thought into how you could be better at working to achieve material and emotional security. Your New Moon intention goes beyond the new year. Start thinking in terms of long-lasting stability and abundance. Be clear on how you want to establish yourself in your career. Brainstorm the steps needed to reach your highest aspirations, both personal and professional. Come up with a concrete long-term financial plan. Consider how you can practice more self-discipline and better hold yourself accountable. What changes and practices do you need to implement in 2025 to get you closer to the life you envision?


Your Card: The Hermit

New Moon Intention: Learn to trust yourself more and cultivate inner power.

The Hermit asks you to carve out more time for reflection in the new year and to make an effort to get to know yourself better. This is a card of introspection, inner wisdom, and spiritual growth. It encourages you to reconnect with your deeper awareness. To help, you can incorporate more mindfulness practices into your life, like journaling and meditation. In 2025, start going within for all the answers you seek. Don’t look to the thoughts and opinions of others. Don’t search for their validation. Don’t wait for anyone’s permission. Trust your instincts and your desires, and that you know what’s best for you.


Your Card: Six of Swords, reversed

New Moon Intention: Cut unhealthy attachments and move forward.

Where in your life do you feel stuck? What feels unresolved? What loss, disappointment, or heartbreak still feels like a heavy presence in your life? What old wound have you yet to heal? What would have you lied to yourself about healing? What fear, self-limiting belief, outdated idea, or emotional attachment keeps you from moving forward? Leave it all behind in 2024. The reversed Six of Swords wants you to let go of what keeps you from embracing new opportunities, connections, and experiences. Stop clinging to the past for a happier, more fulfilling 2025 and beyond.


Your Card: Six of Pentacles

New Moon Intention: Establish a healthy balance of give and take.

Virgo, you’re one of the most generous signs of the zodiac. Those in your life can always count on you to be there to lend a helping hand. You’re someone reliable who goes above and beyond for those you care about. When someone needs you, you’re always there to lend your advice, resources, and support. Can you rely on others the same way? The Six of Pentacles calls on you to examine the dynamics in your connections more closely. In the new year, you should demand reciprocity in the relationships that fail to provide it. If someone is incapable of showing up for you the way you show up for them, then you should reassess whether they’re someone in your life worth keeping.


Your Card: Six of Cups

New Moon Intention: Reconnect with your inner child.

The Six of Cups is a sweet card of nostalgia, comfort, familiarity, memories, and sentimentality. It looks back at a time in your past when you were your happiest and felt your most hopeful to give you insight into what you should be incorporating more into your present life. Think about your younger years. What brought you joy? What made you curious? What fed your inspiration? What made you light up? This is what you need to implement more of in 2025. Whether it’s a hobby, a talent, a passion for a subject, or a pastime, do more of it in the new year. Seek wonder, adventure, and bliss. Reconnect with your inner child.


Your Card: Nine of Swords, reversed

New Moon Intention: Let go of your fears, stress, and anxiety.

Do more to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. To set yourself up with a happier and more successful 2025, you need to learn to cope with stress and anxiety more healthily. This involves the obvious slowing down to prioritize self-care, but also letting others in to give you the support you need. It’s not easy for you to reach out for help or open up, but you can’t face all your troubles on your own. Even just the simple act of venting to someone trusted and speaking your worries aloud can do wonders to alleviate the pressure and give you clarity. Remember this in your times of need.


Your Card: The Fool, reversed

New Moon Intention: Stop hesitating and take a leap of faith.

For a happy, fulfilling, and successful 2025, let go of imposter syndrome and limiting self-consciousness. What big desire or aspiration do you keep talking yourself out of? The Fool shows up in reverse to demand that you stop living in a state of fear and hesitation. Have faith in yourself and trust in your abilities. Don’t let self-doubt and the fear of rejection cause you to miss out on wonderful opportunities. This is your cosmic sign to take that big risk you’ve been thinking of in the new year. It’s okay if you end up making mistakes, you’ll learn from them and do better. The important thing is that you seize the possibilities the Universe is offering you by getting started.


Your Card: Knight of Swords, reversed

New Moon Intention: Learn to take breaks and replenish yourself.

You’re notorious for your hard work and dedication. You have big dreams for yourself, and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to manifest them into a reality. While your strong sense of purpose is admirable, it can at times be your biggest enemy. You’re not that great about giving yourself the recharging you require. In 2024, incorporate more rest into your routine. Rest is productive, too, Capricorn. You have to find a better balance between self-care and managing life’s demands. Don’t be so busy working towards your goals that you forget how to be present in the moment. Find time for the things and people that make you feel relaxed, give you joy, and replenish your spirit. Your work will be better for it, too.


Your Card: Four of Wands

New Moon Intention: Nurture your relationships and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

The Four of Wands is a card of stability, security, happiness, celebrations, belonging, andd harmony. It reminds you to be present and enjoy the fruits of your labor. In 2025, celebrate your wins, no matter how small. You should be proud of yourself every step of the way. It’s important that you acknowledge your successes and that you share them with the people you love. Have more fun, laugh more, and make more memories in the new year. Make more time for your most meaningful connections, no matter how busy life gets, and remind them of their importance in your life.


Your Card: King of Wands

New Moon Intention: Stop shying away from your power.

The King of Wands is a powerful presence. He’s a leader with a vision in mind. This is a card of authority, taking control, and seizing opportunities. Embody his energy by taking more risks and making bold moves in 2025. Stop shying away from your inner power. Have more faith in yourself and your abilities. You can trust your instincts, Pisces, they won’t lead you astray. You may make mistakes along the way, but you will grow and learn from them. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear and hesitation. Trust in your competency. Everything and anything is possible next year if you want it badly enough

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