zodiac Signs

Things You Must Let Go Of in April, Along With Tarot Suggestions for How To Do So

Aries Your Card: The Emperor

Interestingly, you got The Emperor card, Aries because it’s your special tarot card. It’s time to stop feeling the need to apologize for being yourself. Now that eclipse season is over, focus on being yourself ,and don’t feel like you need to be someone you’re not to please others. We often think that growing means becoming a different person, but sometimes it means accepting and being true to who we are. People often say to pretend to be confident until you feel it. However, sometimes we pretend so much that we lose sight of our true selves. This saying doesn’t suggest that we should change who we are but rather encourages us to confidently show our real selves. That’s what trust means. Aries, you don’t need to try to be like anyone else. Just be yourself and accept who you are.

Taurus Your Card: The Lovers

People often connect The Lovers card with the thought of falling in love. But this card has more meaning than just that. The Lovers card represents two sides of a person and two sides of life. The idea is that for every good thing we get, there are also bad things that come along with it. Being open to this balance depends on how you see things. In short, love is a beautiful thing. Loving others and being loved in return is one of the happiest experiences in life. Love can bring pain because everything has different levels. What I’m saying, Taurus, is that you might avoid love because you’re afraid of being hurt again. Love will always have some pain, no matter what. That’s how life is. Just because you love someone doesn’t mean they are not right for you. It’s not practical to see things in only two simple ways all the time. This card could refer to a bond, a friendship, or a family member. The truth is that the people we care about the most can also hurt us the most. This doesn’t mean they’re bad; it just shows that we are all human and nobody is perfect. I’m not suggesting a harmful relationship, so please don’t get that wrong. What I’m saying is to stop being afraid of getting hurt. This is how we as individuals grow and build a stronger bond with the right people.

Gemini Your Card: Page of Cups

Gemini, with the Page of Cups, stop worrying about how you think life should be and accept it as it is. Life will never be exactly how we want it. Life is simply life. I know it’s a cliché. Please let me be; I’m just looking at the cards. Sadness indeed comes from wanting something. We feel let down when we don’t get what we want. Can I ask you something? Are you feeling let down by life? Are you feeling upset because you decided to feel that way? We can’t control our surroundings, but we can control ourselves and how we see life and the events we face. It’s easy to pay more attention to what we don’t have instead of appreciating what we do have. It’s better to be grateful in life than to feel disappointed. If you keep feeling disappointed, likely, you’ll never experience real happiness. Even when you get what you want, you’ll just focus on what you still lack.

Cancer Your Card: Two of Cups

The Two of Cups suggests a strong emotional bond. This means it’s time to stop imagining an ideal version of this person and accept them as they are. This doesn’t mean that this person isn’t right for you, whether as a friend or in a relationship. What I’m saying is that true wholeness comes from inside yourself. You might need to let go of the belief that you have to be with someone else to feel full. The effort comes from inside, Cancer. You shouldn’t expect someone else to change how you feel about yourself or your place in life. It’s great to have company as we go through life, but remember that others are people, just like you. Only you can change yourself from the inside. Only you can do that. Stop relying on others for approval and connection, or you’ll end up feeling let down.

Leo Your Card: Two of Swords

You might feel like you often get caught up in drama, Leo. Even if it doesn’t directly affect you, you’re still connected to it in some way. Getting caught up in small issues only harms you and your well-being. I enjoy news like everyone else, but sometimes it’s nice not to know things. You don’t have to know what everyone thinks, and they don’t always need to know what you think. You might worry that if life isn’t always full of excitement and drama, it will be boring. But that’s not correct. You are used to the chaos, so now the idea of peace feels strange to you. Sometimes it’s better to step away and say less because our words can often be misunderstood. Now that the eclipse season is over, it’s time to focus on keeping your peace and letting go of any drama. Find comfort in calmness. Look for joy in calm moments. Remove yourself from the negativity before it continues to plague you and embroil your outlook in heat.

Virgo Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

With the Seven of Pentacles, Virgo, the lesson is clear: don’t be afraid of failing. The Seven of Pentacles means that achieving success takes time and patience. The reality is that there is no end goal in life. Life keeps moving forward. There is no ultimate goal. Once we get what we want, we usually still need to put in effort to keep it. It’s the fear of failing that makes you feel stuck. The idea is that even if you reach your desired goal, you might still make a mistake and mess things up. But you will make mistakes, and that’s okay. Fucking up isn’t bad, it’s what you do in the face of those mistakes that count. What rounts is how you decide to deal with your failures. Not trying at all is worse than losing.

Libra Your Card: Queen of Swords

Libra, you’re one of the first people to give others the benefit of the doubt. Recently, it seems that many people have been taking advantage of your kindness and generosity. The Queen of Swords reminds us that it’s important to care for others and understand their feelings, but that doesn’t mean they can disrespect your limits. At some point, it turns into greed, and it makes others think they can take advantage of you because they have done it before. Now that eclipse season is over, it’s time to either move on from people who make you feel unfulfilled or start telling them that you won’t be as forgiving or flexible anymore. You have the right to be heard just like everyone else. If some people see this as greed, don’t see it as a fault in yourself but as a sign of who you rre. The right people will understand you and try to compromise. The wrong people will simply be upset that you no longer allow them to take advantage of you.

Scorpio Your Card: Six of Wands

Don’t make yourself less important just to help others feel better. That’s their responsibility, not yours. If others are upset because you’ve achieved success or improved your life after facing challenges, that’s their issue. The Six of Wands is about feeling proud and not needing to downplay your achievements because you’re afraid of what others might think. This is a worry you should try to release. Be proud of yourself and your current situation, Scorpio. Be your best, and the right people will see you. Now is the time for you to stand tall and strong. Believe in yourself, as it will help you go further.

Sagittarius Your Card: Four of Pentacles

With the Four of Pentacles showing up, Sagittarius, it looks like you might be focusing too much on wealth and fame in a way that isn’t healthy. You seem to have a picture-perfect life based on how things look. Even if it’s not true, you feel justified in how you seem. It seems like you think you know more than others because you’ve come this far in life. People aren’t living their best lives by following your example. Confidence and vanity are not the same thing. No one lives life perfectly. There is no such thing as a perfect life. Because you focus so much on looks, when something unexpected happens, you might try very hard to keep it hidden from others. There is an overwhelming sense of forced happiness. With that in mind, maybe you should stop being so arrogant. You have your own mistakes like everyone else. Instead of pointing out what others do wrong, try to think about whether you are being honest with yourself.

Capricorn Your Card: Ten of Swords

It looks like you are holding onto a lot of anger towards those who have hurt you, Capricorn. I know that being betrayed is very painful and feels unfair, but holding onto hate and anger will only hurt you in the long run. Don’t let them succeed. They want you to feel sad. They want to see you in pain. They want you to fail. If you want to get the people who have hurt you most back, the best form of payback is forgiveness and a level of success that fulfills only you. Trying to show off to impress others won’t benefit you in the long run. Don’t put on a show. Don’t let yourself be pulled down by their mean and small-minded behavior. The best response is to not respond. Planning your “revenge” shows that they have succeeded in upsetting you. They have revealed who they are, but this doesn’t affect you or how you decide to move on. Take care of yourself, and the right people will come into your life to help you.

Aquarius Your Card: Six of Cups

The Six of Cups suggests that it might be time to move on from the past. You may be going through a major change in your life, and because of that, you are saying goodbye to a time that was full of fun and happy memories that you want to experience again. Nothing is supposed to last forever. Don’t believe, Aquarius, that life will never be as interesting as it once was. There are still many good times ahead, but you need to accept change for this to happen. Life is going to change a lot from now on, and I won’t sugarcoat it. Just because things will change doesn’t mean you can’t still be happy.

Pisces Your Card: Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups suggests that you should stop thinking that you don’t deserve the good things that happen to you, Pisces. The good things in your life are there for a reason. Don’t reject it. Accept things as they are. You might find it easy to believe that good things always come with some conditions. In other words, “What’s the hidden downside?” Sometimes, there isn’t a hidden warning, and trying hard to find problems in a situation can create problems that weren’t there. Let things happen naturally and don’t let your worries take control.

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