The Male Zodiac Signs and How They Destroy Relationships
Some men are emotional cowards. They can appear to be tough, but when it comes to making some serious life calls, some of them chicken out.
One of the situations most men would like to avoid is the breakup. Maybe they don’t dare to tell you the real reason for them leaving or they don’t want to crush your heart.
Either way, some men will do everything in their power not to be the one to say the final goodbye, even when that’s something they want.
However, different zodiac signs do different things instead of calling it quits, and here is the strategy your boyfriend is likely to use if he wants to sabotage your relationship.
1. Aries
When an Aries man wants out, he’ll start pulling away in ways that seem uncharacteristic of his otherwise bold and upfront nature.
His sudden unreliability is a stark contrast to the decisive and action-oriented personality he’s known for. You’ll notice that he’s no longer the one making plans or initiating conversations. Instead, he’ll leave you questioning where you stand.
Before you know it, you’ll catch yourself falling asleep with your phone in your hands, all dressed up because he simply didn’t show up.
This guy will start canceling plans and standing you up until you’ve had enough and gone crazy.
What’s more, his evasiveness is his way of avoiding confrontation. Aries hates emotional discomfort, so rather than explaining his feelings, he’ll make you feel like you’re chasing him.
Unfortunately, this passive approach can leave you feeling neglected and unimportant, even though deep down, he simply lacks the courage to say goodbye directly.
2. Taurus
A Taurus man, known for his stubbornness and stability, will often resort to constant bickering to express his dissatisfaction. When he’s no longer invested in the relationship, he’ll find faults in everything, even the smallest of things. His nitpicking and irritability may make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells around him.
This strategy stems from his discomfort with change. Instead of addressing the issue head-on, Taurus tries to push you to end things so he doesn’t have to. He hopesthat his combative behavior will wear you down to the point where you walk away, sparing him from taking the initiative.
When he is trying to make you understand it is the end, a Taurus will be constantly picking fights.
You’ll start annoying him simply by being present in his life, which will lead to him trying to argue with you about every little thing.
3. Gemini
If your boyfriend is a Gemini, he’ll probably put himself back in the dating pool before he ends his current relationship.
This doesn’t mean that this guy will necessarily physically cheat on you, but you’ll catch him flirting or finding dating apps on his phone.
When a Gemini man’s mind is elsewhere, so is his heart. His naturally curious and flirtatious nature will go into overdrive, as he tests the waters with others even before his current relationship has ended. He’s likely to become emotionally distant while simultaneously exploring new connections or rekindling old ones.
Gemini thrives on communication, so his reduced interest in meaningful conversations with you will be a clear sign of trouble. While he may not intend to hurt you, his scattered focus and inability to fully commit will feel like a betrayal, leaving you feeling like you were never enough to keep him grounded.
4. Cancer
A Cancer doesn’t know how to fake anything, let alone his feelings. Even when he doesn’t dare to end things, you’ll sense that you’re losing him.
It doesn’t mean that he’ll start treating you overnight, but there will also be no trace of the kind and loving boyfriend you’re used to.
A Cancer man finds it nearly impossible to fake his emotions, so his withdrawal is almost palpable. The once-affectionate partner who showered you with love and attention will suddenly feel distant and cold, though he won’t lash out or act cruelly. Instead, he’ll quietly pull away, leaving you to wonder what went wrong.
His emotional sensitivity means he struggles with confrontation, so he’ll hope you pick up on his cues and make the first move to end things. While his intentions might not be malicious, his avoidance can leave you feeling emotionally abandoned and confused.
5. Leo
This man will bring your relationship to an end by putting all the blame on you.
A Leo man’s pride won’t allow him to admit fault, even when he’s the one sabotaging the relationship. Instead of owning up to his feelings, he’ll start pointing fingers and placing the blame on you for every problem. His once-supportive nature will shift into a cycle of criticism, designed to make you question yourself.
This approach stems from his need to protect his ego. He doesn’t want to be seen as the one who failed, so he’ll engineer a breakup that makes it appear as though you were the cause. Unfortunately, his tactics can leave you doubting your worth, even when you’re not at fault.
A Leo can’t accept that he is responsible for the failure of your relationship, so he’ll start to sabotage it by making you feel guilty for everything that went wrong between the two of you.
6. Virgo
Virgo men often avoid confrontation, and their go-to strategy for sabotaging a relationship is passive aggression. They’ll become increasingly distant, withholding affection and communication. The silent treatment becomes their weapon of choice, leaving you wondering what went wrong and second-guessing your actions.
Rather than addressing his dissatisfaction openly, Virgo retreats into himself, hoping his coldness will prompt you to end things first. His actions may come across as calculated, but in reality, he’s simply overwhelmed by his emotions and unsure of how to express them without causing more damage.
He gives you the silent treatment and makes you wonder when and how everything went downhill.
7. Libra
A Libra is also one of the signs that will rarely give you a real explanation for his behavior.
A Libra man values harmony, which ironically makes him one of the most conflict-averse zodiac signs. Instead of addressing his desire to end the relationship, he’ll withdraw emotionally while continuing to maintain a polite and pleasant demeanor. His avoidance of confrontation can feel like a betrayal, as he deprives you of the closure you need.
Libra’s indecision and reluctance to hurt others make it difficult for him to take a firm stance. As a result, he may unintentionally string you along, creating confusion and prolonging the pain of the breakup. His intentions may be kind, but his inability to act decisively can leave you feeling frustrated and hurt.
This guy wants to avoid arguments at all costs and he will do everything in his power to end this relationship in he most peaceful way possible.
Of course, he isn’t aware that he is hurting you even more by not giving you closure and leaving you obscurely.
8. Scorpio
When it comes to a Scorpio who wants to sabotage a relationship, things are pretty clear – if he wants to distance himself from you, he’ll stop sleeping with you and he’ll avoid all of your initiatives.
When a Scorpio man is done, he’ll pull away from intimacy entirely. Known for his passionate nature, this sudden withdrawal is a clear signal that he no longer feels a deep connection with you. He’ll dodge physical affection and avoid moments of closeness, hoping you’ll take the hint.
This behavior doesn’t come from a place of malice, but rather from his desire to disengage without explicitly ending things. Scorpio values emotional depth, and once that bond is broken, he struggles to stay in the relationship. His lack of communication, however, can leave you feeling rejected and confused.
9. Sagittarius
A Sag is likely to try suggesting that you make your relationship casual instead of ending it. Of course, he hopes you won’t accept this proposal and that you’ll be the one to walk away from him.
This way, he thinks he technically wasn’t the one to leave, which makes him completely guilt-free.
Sagittarius men are naturally independent and adventurous, so when they want out, they’ll try to shift the dynamics of the relationship. Instead of a clean break, he might suggest a casual arrangement, knowing full well it’s not what you want.
This strategy allows him to keep his options open while avoiding the guilt of ending things outright. He hopes you’ll reject the idea of a casual relationship, effectively putting the decision to part ways in your hands. His reluctance to take responsibility can feel like a betrayal, even if he sees it as a way to spare your feelings.
10. Capricorn
If your boyfriend belongs to this zodiac sign, he’ll pile work on himself to avoid you as much as possible.
When you try facing him about this, he will do everything in his power to convince you that you’re imagining things and that he is only following his dreams and ambitions.
Capricorn men are work-driven, and when they’re unhappy in a relationship, they’ll immerse themselves in their careers to avoid addressing the issue. They’ll prioritize their professional goals over the relationship, using their busy schedule as an excuse for their absence.
When confronted, they’ll deflect by claiming they’re focused on achieving their dreams. However, this is often a cover for their reluctance to admit the relationship isn’t working. Over time, their emotional unavailability and lack of effort will push you to walk away, which is exactly what they’re counting on.
11. Aquarius
An Aquarius man dislikes emotional drama, so when he wants to end things, he’ll propose a “break” rather than a breakup. He’ll frame it as a need for personal space or time to figure things out, but in reality, he’s using this as a stepping stone to exit the relationship.
By suggesting a temporary pause, he hopes to avoid the guilt and discomfort of ending things directly. His detached approach might seem rational to him, but it can leave you feeling confused and strung along, unsure of where you stand.
12. Pisces
A Pisces man will sabotage your relationship by doing everything he can to make himself look like a victim.
This guy will manipulate you to be the one to break up so he can justify himself and have a clear conscience.
Pisces men are masters of emotional manipulation when they want out of a relationship. Instead of addressing their feelings directly, they’ll play the victim, making it seem like the breakup is your fault. They’ll exaggerate their emotional struggles to gain your sympathy, even if they’re the ones who have checked out.
This tactic allows them to avoid accountability while keeping their conscience clear. However, their tendency to twist the narrative can leave you questioning your actions and feeling unnecessarily guilty, even when you’ve done nothing wrong.