The Tarot Horoscope for March 2025
At the beginning of the month, the sun is in the zodiac sign of Pisces. Pisces is associated with the tarot card The Moon.
This energy can make life feel elusive. We may struggle with confusion, want to hide from the truth, or cling to old habits to feel safe.
In the middle of the month, the sun moves into the sign of Aries. With this energy, we feel braver, ready for new projects and a fresh start.
Aries is associated with the tarot card The Ram, which represents strength, determination, prosperity and vision.
Now is the right time to rely on your inner strength – there you will find the courage to pursue your goals, be it in love or in your career.
And now for the tarot cards for each zodiac sign in March.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Tarot card for March: Two of Coins, reversed
Take it slow, Aries. This month you might feel a little uncertain about financial matters – a balancing act between saving and earning.
But you have the right mindset to make things work.
March is all about making smart financial decisions. Sometimes you have to spend money to make more money.
Set financial priorities this month so you have a clear vision of what needs to be done – and when.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Tarot card for March: Jack of Swords , reversed
Choose your words carefully. If you have to make an important statement, prepare well. Write down your thoughts, take notes, and make sure you understand exactly what you want to communicate.
March brings with it a warning: think carefully before you speak and do not sign any binding documents without first consulting an expert.
The sword symbol represents mental clarity – but when it is reversed, you may have difficulty seeing things clearly.
If you feel unsure or have difficulty expressing your thoughts clearly, ask for more time.
Ask lots of questions instead of hoping things will work themselves out. Not asking for additional information could cause problems and affect your monthly goals.
Be open and honest about where you stand – and don’t try to get away with uncertainty.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Tarot card for March: Knight of Wands
You have a great opportunity to do things differently. Although you might prefer to go on vacation, you’ll be more productive if you stay in your familiar surroundings.
March is all about capitalizing on missed opportunities. As the central point of contact in 2025, you’ll soon see how your out-of-the-box thinking will work to your advantage.
This month, pay special attention to gaps in solutions proposed by others. You may find a way to fill them and solve problems that others have failed to solve. This will set you apart from the crowd and establish you as a special kind of leader.
But be careful: it’s a fine balance. You don’t want to give the impression that you’re making others look bad.
Your sense of humor and charming personality will help you fit into the social fabric. Be friendly, helpful and cooperative. Use this month to make friends, build partnerships and work well with others.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Tarot card for March: Knight of Swords , reversed
It’s time to make wise choices – that means learning from the past and heeding the lessons life and love have taught you.
March is a sensitive month. After a period of healing, you may not be ready to open up to new people – be it in friendships, dating or romantic relationships.
It’s understandable that you’re cautious about expanding your social circle, but now is not the time to withdraw completely.
Use this month to set healthy boundaries and develop your interpersonal skills. March offers you the opportunity to put what you have learned into practice and to be authentic in all situations.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Tarot card for March: Two of Swords
Be clear about your desires so that you can manifest exactly what your heart truly desires.
March is all about positive relationships. Surround yourself with people who are already where you want to be.
Use this month to build relationships that serve as personal mentorships for you – no one else needs to know that you view them that way.
Consciously put yourself in situations where you can witness meaningful conversations that require deep problem-solving thinking. Set your mind up for success—and you’ll see new opportunities emerge.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Tarot card for March: Death, reversed
You can start over at any time – you don’t have to wait until next year.
March is about breaking old patterns and changing your perspective on yourself and the world. This month you will build on what you learned about yourself in January and began to master in February.
But expect resistance. Being a leader is hard work. You may wonder why you push yourself so hard instead of settling for less. This “death of the old self” can be emotionally challenging.
Nevertheless, it is the beginning of a cycle of renewal. Be grateful for the person you once were, because it made you who you are today. With this awareness, you can begin a new chapter in your life – with a clear goal and a great destiny in mind.
This mental shift will give you the strength and stamina you need – two qualities you will desperately need in April.
Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)
March Tarot Card for Libra: Knight of Cups, reversed
You can do the right thing, Libra. Even though you tend to act emotionally, your mind can guide your heart—if you let it.
March is about putting love into action and realizing that you have outgrown your fear of being hurt. Now you can love others without holding back.
It’s one thing to talk about healing, but it’s another thing entirely to actively work on it and behave in your current love situation the way you want to. You may fall back into old patterns occasionally, but that’s part of the learning process.
Practice the art of active love: Be the person who calls or texts first. Express your feelings, even if they seem cheesy. Trust that growth will show itself through courageous steps.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
March Tarot Card for Scorpio: Page of Coins
Age is just a number, and it doesn’t matter how young or old you are – you can always make a difference and shine with a brilliant idea.
March is a month for helping, especially those who look up to you and want to learn from you. Maybe you’ll gain your first student or mentee.
You realize that you are one step ahead of others and that they can benefit from your experience.
This could become a source of income for you – be it through coaching services or sharing content on social media.
Alternatively, you can volunteer as a mentor, which will open up valuable networking opportunities. This could lead to lucrative collaborations and partnerships.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
March Tarot Card for Sagittarius: Seven of Coins, reversed
What are your most important priorities? Have you set aside enough time for them? Where can you optimize your agenda to make room for what’s important?
March is all about investing your energy wisely. You’ll learn when it’s time to step back, accept losses, and move in a new direction.
The first two months of the year have helped you define your values more clearly. Now it’s time to use your time wisely.
You may find yourself saying “no” more often – even to people you would otherwise do anything for. At the same time, you protect your personal time and consciously decide who you give access to your life. Use this month to show your loved ones how important they are to you.
Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)
March Tarot Card for Capricorn: Ace of Wands, reversed
In March, you will learn to be patient and persevere even in difficult times – especially when you do what is necessary but the desired results are slow to appear. You may feel emotionally alienated from your work or doubt your previous choices.
In such moments, it is important to accept reality and be honest with yourself. Only then can you make wise decisions and, if necessary, take a different course.
These difficult emotions often surface when a breakthrough is imminent, so don’t give up when you’re “three steps away”! Instead, redouble your efforts.
Analyze what you are doing and consider whether there are more efficient ways. Maybe you can delegate tasks or improve certain processes. Ask yourself: What do I need to do next to make my dreams come true?
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
March Tarot Card for Aquarius: Four of Cups, reversed
Someone might accuse you of being self-centered or even selfish, but you know what you’ve been through. People who only know half the story don’t deserve your full attention.
If the first two months of the year were very hectic for you, this over-packed life can quickly lead to exhaustion or burnout.
In March, you are at risk of this. But knowing the reason why you want to continue anyway will help you stay strong, even when the pressure to give up is very high.
The reversed Four of Cups could make you fall back into old habits and trick you into thinking that life was easier. Perhaps you are experiencing heartbreak due to some personal setbacks in love and want to keep the peace to save a relationship.
Your “why” will help you decide how much you really want the future you dreamed about in January. Breaking old habits is hard, but this year you’ll work on changing your mindset.
If you’re struggling to break free from old beliefs or new fears are emerging, March is a great time to find an accountability partner. You’ll benefit greatly from journaling, books on mindset and success, and a daily plan to achieve your annual goals.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
March Tarot Card for Pisces: Eight of Coins, reversed
Previous procrastination has shown you that you need to take life more seriously. Perhaps you have lost precious moments in the past because you allowed yourself to be distracted by other things. Now you recognize these distractions and know how to distance yourself from them.
March reminds you that you are ready to take your life to the next level. Ask yourself if you are focusing too much on learning without actually taking action. Do you know enough to go out into the world and make more money?
The Eight of Pentacles represents an apprentice, but perhaps you are ready to take on the role of master.
Life is a continuous learning process, but sometimes you have to step out of the comfort zone of the classroom and apply your knowledge in the real world to achieve great success.
If you are in a career and are looking to change jobs but want to do something different than before, this card could be a great omen for your future. It suggests that your current skills are transferable.
Maybe it’s a good fit for you to be a stay-at-home mom and run your own business, or if you’ve always been a teacher, to go into politics or try community service. Whatever you desire, it’s time to take action. Confidence is important here, and you’ll continue to build your life on that in April.