Four Zodiac Pairings Known For Their Challenging And Complicated Relationships
Some relationships are smooth and easy, like a calm day at a bright, sunny beach. But others are more like the mountains: a rocky, complicated, jagged climb, but with a breathtaking view that makes it all worth it in the end. Certain zodiacs are destined to have a complicated, tumultuous relationship because of the way their signs interact. Although their connection may not come easily, it’s worth it for the lessons they teach each other along the way. Here are four zodiac duos with the most complicated relationships, why their dynamic is so complex, and what they can learn from one another.
Aries and Virgo
These two zodiac signs have so much in common, yet they just can’t seem to get along. On paper, their list of similarities is endless: they are both brutally honest, authentic, and obsessed with their physical health and appearance. But the way they carry themselves couldn’t be more different. As a cardinal sign, Aries people are natural leaders – and yes, they can be a bit bossy. Virgo is a mutable sign, meaning they are more adaptable and likely to adjust to others’ needs. But Virgos also have a strong controlling streak, so these two signs butt heads.
Aries people are messy, impulsive, and quick to act, while Virgos are fussy, cautious, perfectionists. Aries has a hot temper, but they get over their anger quickly and expect to be forgiven. Virgos won’t let go of what Aries said, and they are one of the few signs that can come back with an equally cutting remark. Fights between these two are inevitable and ongoing. Although they can learn a great deal from each other (Aries could use some of Virgo’s patience, while Virgo should take on some of Aries’ daredevil spirit), their relationship is sure to be strained and complicated.
Gemini and Scorpio
Ah, Gemini and Scorpio: a classic pairing that at first seems like a match made in heaven – until it’s painfully obvious that it’s not. As an air sign, Gemini is clever, social, and communicative, while the water sign Scorpio is sensitive, intuitive, and emotional. Scorpio is endlessly fascinated by Gemini’s brilliance and quick wit, and no one will go to the lengths that a Scorpio will go for Gemini’s love. And half of Gemini is just as invested and infatuated. But, as the multi-faceted sign of the twins, the other half craves freedom and independence, and can’t commit fully to the relationship.
Whether they are friends, business partners, or lovers, Gemini will always leave Scorpio wanting more. Scorpio will feel like they’re not getting back as much as they put into the relationship because it’s true. A Scorpio needs a partner who will allow them to possess their whole heart, and Geminis simply aren’t wired that way. Although their connection is beneficial for a while (they make each other laugh and feel seen), their complicated dynamic is bound to turn toxic.
Aquarius and Pisces
As the last two signs of the zodiac, Aquarius and Pisces share a spiritual maturity. They are both old souls who feel things deeply and care a great deal about their loved ones. But while neighboring signs can make good friends, they usually aren’t the best for romantic partnerships.
Although they share similar hearts, Pisces and Aquarius are just built differently. Air sign Aquarius leads with logic instead of feeling, while water sign Pisces is very emotional. They both want to help others and make the world a better place. But Aquarius has a hard time expressing their feelings and likes being alone, while Pisces is quite emotive and prefers being around their partner at all times. Aquarius will unintentionally, unknowingly hurt Pisces with their insensitivity and tactlessness, while Pisces’ clinginess and intense emotions annoy Aquarius. Pisces can teach Aquarius to open up and be more vulnerable, while Aquarius shows Pisces independence and resilience. While they can grow immensely from their complicated relationship, these two signs are just too different to mesh permanently.
Sagittarius and Capricorn
Like Aquarius and Pisces, Capricorn and Sagittarius are neighboring signs, so their relationship is better off as a casual friendship rather than an intimate bond. The firesign Sagittarius is passionate, bold, and adventurous, while the earth sign Capricorn is careful, calculating, and stoic. They are almost opposites, but with one thing in common: they will stop at nothing to reach their goals.
They both have big dreams and will do what it takes to achieve them. But their approach is vastly different: Sagittarius is guided by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. So, Sagittarius makes impulsive decisions and takes risks to get what they want, relying on luck (which usually works in their favor, thanks to Jupiter). Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of karma and authority, so this star sign depends on consistent, hard work to achieve its goals. If their ambitions are aligned, they are an unstoppable duo, even if they fight over their methods. But ultimately, they are just too fundamentally different, making their relationship rocky and complex. a