Six Zodiac Signs That Often Complicate Their Relationships Through Overthinking
We all know that relationships can be challenging sometimes – which is why it makes sense that half of the zodiac tends to complicate their love lives. Whether it’s overthinking, jealousy, or running from commitment, these star signs bring a dose of drama into their romances. If you’re dating one of them, you’ll know what to look out for; if you’re one yourself, you might become more aware of your habits and relationship patterns. Here are the six zodiacs that always complicate their relationships and how astrology explains their romantic struggles.
As an energetic, passionate fire sign, Aries craves fun and excitement. They need constant stimulation and are always looking for the next new thing to try. This means that in relationships, Aries people tend to jump quickly from partner to partner. If they haven’t fallen in love, it’s easy for them to drop an old flame and move on to the next. As the zodiac sign ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggression, Aries people never back down from a fight and are skilled at arguing. Aries’ natural restlessness and desire for debate complicate their relationships: they are too impatient to get to know someone well enough to fall in love, and they secretly (or subconsciously) love to bicker because they’re so good at it.
Dating a Gemini can be a wonderful experience – half of the time. As the zodiac sign represented by the twins, you never know which side of a Gemini you will get. They run hot and cold – they might be super into you one day, then ghost you the next. They are complex and multifaceted, so you may be the perfect partner for SOME of a Gemini’s needs, but it’s hard to please the many different sides of their personality. And Geminis would rather be anything but bored – they may start a little argument or spark some jealousy just to entertain themselves. Between their mercurial nature and constant need for amusement, Geminis can be difficult to date.
Virgos are notorious perfectionists, and this certainly applies to dating. It takes a lot for Virgo to settle down with one person because they are so picky. Their partner needs to check all the boxes on their wishlist, and then some. And if a Virgo ever catches you in a lie, no matter how small, they will disregard the other boxes you check and dump you. Meeting Virgo’s standards is nearly impossible, which is why it’s so hard to date them. Dealing with frequent criticism can be exhausting and push partners away.
Scorpios know how to appear cool, calm, and collected, but they are always brewing up a storm beneath the surface. Relationships are extremely important to them, and they become very attached to their partners. Their devotion often turns into codependence. They can be jealous and controlling, and they want to be with their partner 24/7. Their friendships, work, and hobbies may even suffer due to the intensity of their love life. Scorpios complicate relationships by getting consumed by love and romance and losing themselves in the process.
Sagittarians hate commitment, whether it’s to a job, a living space, or a relationship. They cherish their freedom, so they tend to have one foot out the door at all times when dating. For this zodiac sign, if the relationship isn’t fun anymore, it’s time to move on. Sagittarians are often subconsciously looking for reasons to get away from their partner – they will pick fights or look for flaws in the relationship. It’s hard for them to accept when their love life is going well, so they may self-sabotage so they can feel free again. Sagittarians complicate relationships by trying to flee, just when things are getting good.
Aquarius is a unique and independent zodiac sign that is full of contradictions. They love people but they also need plenty of alone time. They make devoted partners but also want to be free to do their own thing. In an Aquarius relationship, there is a constant push and pull between their need for space and freedom, yet loving their partner more than anyone and enjoying their company. When dating, an Aquarius may be the perfect partner for a while, then disappear for a month, only to come back into your life as if nothing happened. Romance challenges them because they don’t want to be accountable to anyone else. Aquarians complicate their relationships by trying to have their cake and eat it too: they want a steady partnership, yet they refuse to commit.